Production Grinders
Harsco Rail’s grinding products extend the life of the track and enhance performance with industry leading speed at a low overall cost. Profile grinding is the basis for controlling wheel/rail contact and reducing the wear and fatigue of the track. Harsco Rail grinders are designed to meet local standards of the customer.
性能 | 立异手艺 | 可选设置 |
最高运行速率 | 坡度为1%时,速率为80公里/小时 |
坡度为2.65%时的最高速率 | 35公里/小时 |
打磨速率 | 前后双偏向均为5-28公里/小时 |
打磨电机转速 | 每分钟3600转 |
打磨头偏转角度 | 轨距内侧75?轨距外侧45? |
接单设计 | 可凭证客户提供的规格来设计 |
Transit Grinder
性能 | 立异手艺 | 可选设置 |
打磨头偏转角度 | 轨距内侧75?轨距外侧45?, 75? |
最高运行速率 | 80公里/小时 |
坡度为4%时的最高速率 | 40公里/小时 |
最大运行坡度 | 6% |
最高拖速 | 100公里/小时 |
接单设计 | 可凭证客户提供的规格来设计 |
Multipurpose Stoneblower
Harsco Rail’s Multipurpose Stoneblower is a revolutionary machine developed specifically as an alternative to traditional tamping methods for the restoration of track’s vertical and lateral alignment. The result is a smooth track surface which is immediately available for unrestricted line speeds.
性能 | 立异手艺 |
长度 | 32.2 米 (106 英尺) |
重量 | 113 公吨 (124 短吨) ,三个转向架 |
运行速率 | 最高100公里/小时(60英里/小时) |
平均产出 | 每小时440米(1400英尺) |
丈量速率 | 最高达16公里/小时(10英里/小时) |
起道和吊转高度 | 0-80毫米(0-3.2英寸) |
道碴容量 | 16公吨(18短吨) |
道碴尺寸 | 20毫米(0.8英寸) |
接单设计 | 可凭证客户提供的规格来设计 |
TRT-909 轨道大修车
TRT-909 Track Renewal System
Harsco Rail’s TRT-909 track renewal system provides a more efficient and effective way to handle major track renewal programs. The TRT-909 works with concrete, pre-plated wood, or steel ties. It delivers simplicity in operation for customers and leaves behind high quality track with precise tie spacing and a smooth ballast bed.
性能 | 立异手艺 | 可选设置 |
运行速率 | 拖速—80公里/小时(50英里/小时) |
长度 | 90.2 米 (296 英尺),不含机车 |
传动系统 | 525马力内燃驱动、可变流量液压泵,用于装备的静液压驱动 |
作业牵引 | 6个动力转向架 |
配碴整型 | 作业——144米(12度)(478英尺); 运行——97.5米(18度)(320英尺) |
接单设计 | 可凭证客户提供的规格来设计 |
Inspection Vehicles
Harsco Rail’s Track Geometry Inspection Vehicle (TGIV) is a self propelled rail bound vehicle that measures both track geometry and catenary. The TGIV collects and records extensive information on track conditions. Monitoring track conditions overtime will give railroads a better understanding of their maintenance needs and schedule. The machine is staffed by a three-man crew.
性能 | 立异手艺 |
Switch Undercutter Machine
哈斯科铁路公司生产的Harsco GO4S_III_CN型道岔清筛车是海内首台侧切式清筛车。主要对道岔区段的石渣举行筛分、回填、补砟等作业。具备在90分钟内完成一组12#单开道岔的作业性能,较海内既有装备效率显着提高。现场作业证实,该装备不受线鹿槔床结构限制,可完成双开道岔、复式交分、交织渡线等清筛难度较大的道岔作业区段,填补了海内空缺。
Harsco Rail’s GO4S_III_CN Switch Undercutter Machine is the first side-cutting undercutter in China. It mainly divide and filter, backfill and replenish the ballast in switch area. The machine is capable of completing one #12 single switch in 90 minutes, which is much more efficient than the current other machines in China. On-site undercutting proves that the machine will not limited by the structure of the ballast bed, and it can complete double switches, double crossing and crossing line of the switches, which fills the domestic void.
性能 |